Training Workshops

Media Communications Skills

Deliver your key messages effectively through media


Media encounters can be anything from a frustrating to a frightening experience, but it is also an excellent opportunity to expose yourself or your company to the public. What you need is a series of “key messages” to be incorporated into your communication with the media.


At the end of this workshop, participants will have a better understanding of...


This workshop is based on an experiential and intellectual exercises and role plays which will require the involvement of all participants, to ensure that they benefit to the maximum as a result of this workshop.


1. Introduction To The Media And Their Interests
  • Understand different types of media and their needs
  • What is “News” and the journalists’ job

2. Barriers to Communications
  • Dealing with emotions
  • Knowledge of media requirements
  • Background knowledge
  • Up-to-date information
  • Supporting materials

3. Question And Answer Techniques In Media Encounters
  • “Key Message”
  • Effectively listening skills
  • Tactics to tackle difficult questions
  • Top 10 proven answering techniques

4. Media Conference
  • What is a Media Conference
  • YOU in control, not the media
  • Format and Requirements of Media Conference
  • DO’s and DON’Ts in Media Conferences

5. Media Conference Role-play

The class will be divided into groups to practice preparing for and delivering media conference based on a given case. Their performance will be recorded in video.

The participants will be able to watch the playback and get feedbacks from the facilitator and their peers.

6. Media Release
  • What is a Media Release
  • Structure, layout and tone of Media Release – “The Inverted Pyramid”
  • How to write in the editor’s language
  • What the print media wants

7. Handling real-life media interview

Each participant will get the chance to practice preparing for and delivering media interview based on a given case. Their performance will be recorded in video. The participants will be able to watch the playback and get feedbacks from the facilitator and their peers.