Training Workshops

International Selling Skills

Seeking out more international sales opportunities and develop more international customers by speaking their "language"


This workshop is specially designed to give the participants an overview of the essential skills to get business and close the deal in the international context, and the key differences in saleing in their home market and the other world markets.


At the end of this workshop, participants will have a better understanding of...



1. Presentation 1 – Understanding the participants, their companies, products and the market place

2. Culture and International Selling
  • Understand what may win you a deal in an international setting
  • Understand what may take your deal away in an international setting
  • Review the various markets of the participants and advise specific marketing information which is required to close the deal

3. Developing Selling Skills
  • Make and develop a customer profile
  • Ask questions and listen
  • Use information discovered
  • Make a presentation
  • Ensure you have all of the right information
  • Survive the question and answer session
  • Close the sales

4. Role-play exercise

If time allows, each participant will have the chance to apply their newly acquired knowledge and practice international selling on the facilitator (who will act as one of the participant’s key customer).

Their performance will be evaluated by the facilitator and the other participants.