Global Marketing
Find markets for your business and products across the world
This workshop is designed to bring you in touch with the latest ideas in Global Marketing and will give you the opportunity to discuss those marketing ideas in relation to your business and products whilst in the training room, while you learn how to manage your own marketing plan.
At the end of this workshop, participants will have a better understanding of...
- What it takes to complete a new global marketing plan
- To make a global strategy for your organization
- And how to gain the commitment of your business development team to a tactical action plan
This workshop is an interactive session to help participants develop their own skeleton global marketing plan with assistance from lectures and facilitation from the speaker.
- A 1-2 minutes self introduction – to include your name, company, job title, responsibilities and any particular issues/products that you wish to focus on
- A 3-5 minutes presentation – to include a sample of a major product (or brochure) a definition of its use, market place, customers and any selling activities
1. Presentation 1 – Understanding the participants and their companies2. Formulating a marketing plan
3. Facilitated Session – Starting a “Skeleton Marketing Plan”The participants from similar industries will be put into a group. Through peer discussion and the facilitation of the speaker, the participants will formulate a “Skeleton Marketing Plan” for their company based on the six fundamental marketing questions outlined in session 2. |
4. Turning high-level plan into actionable global marketing strategies and tactics
5. Culture and Global Marketing
6. Presentation 2 – Understanding the products and markets of the participantsThe presentation will be evaluated by the facilitator and the other participants. There will be a facilitated discussion to review the various markets for the participants and how a global market plan can be drawn based on the learning from previous sessions. |